Raise career aspirations amongst the whole of Hong Kong youth community.

Partners and Supporting Institutions
Widening Participation Programs
Widening Participation Programs are open to all students residing in Hong Kong and include the Global Aspiring Medic Conference (GAMC), Hong Kong Inter-School Mock Trial Championship (HKIMTC), and the Young Laureate Award (YLA). Through these offerings, students have the opportunity to learn from globally renowned professors and receive sponsorship to travel abroad to UK and/or US for international learning opportunities and competitions.
The following institutions and individuals have supported our Widening Participation Programs in different capacities.
The University of Hong Kong
Fellows and Professors from the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and Columbia University.
Directors of Studies, Panel Heads, School Heads and faculty members from top UK and US Boarding Schools
Badminton School
Benenden School
Charterhouse School
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Choate Rosemary Hall
Eton College
Harrow School
King’s School Canterbury
Phillips Academy Andover
Phillips Exeter Academy
Sevenoaks School
The Lawrenceville School
The Taft School
Tonbridge School
Twyford School
Uppingham School
Wellington College
Winchester College
Wycombe Abbey School