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11 September, 2022

Congrats on your Graduation! Wrapped up our learning journey in ACO

Congratulations to the 26 participants who completed the ACO Careers Program 2022! They wrapped up their learning journey on Graduation Day on 11 September, offering engaging presentations on their takeaways in formal business attire sponsored by #G2000HK. Outstanding students received awards for their commitment and dedication to their Careers Program experience.

Special thanks to the ACO Board of Directors and volunteers who spent Sunday morning mentoring our bright students, and to the ACO Alumni Association for planning and preparing such a polished event. Thank you also to all 20 corporate workshop and job shadowing hosts and teaching team at ARCH Education for offering our students invaluable opportunities and incredible exposure. Your continued support is empowering the next generation to reach for the stars!

Stay tuned for more event highlights!

26 June, 2022

Gearing up for the World of Work! Gain critical thinking and interview skills  


On 26 June, our Careers Program 2022 ACO participants jumpstarted their careers in a future world of work! Our students drafted their first CVs and learnt to review them under guidance. Then they applied for job shadowing opportunities at select local companies! We are so excited for them to get their first taste of work in August!

Thank you to Ms. Jana Sin from ARCH Education for giving our students a crash course in critical thinking skills and interview skills, helping them gain the practical techniques and confidence to deal with the most complex interview questions. “These skills could not be learned elsewhere,” said one participant. “Thank you so much!”

ACO alumni also took part in the day, offering Job Shadowing 101, in which they shared tips from their first-hand experiences at work to prepare students for their job shadowing opportunities in August. It was inspiring to see the ACO spirit of giving back being passed on!

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22 May, 2022

 First face-to-face activity this year! The future starts today!

What a difference a day makes! ACO’s first face-to-face activity this year, Careers Program 2022 Orientation Day, was held on Sunday, 22 May 22 for 26 budding young professionals, excited to explore their futures!

All 26 students of the new ACO cohort made friends quickly and dove into elaborate academic and career-oriented activities. Thanks to ACO alumni Shannon and Ethan for sharing their remarkable journeys to top UK universities with students. Thanks also to Ms. Carmen Cheung for sharing important details regarding the Freeman Asian Scholarship and inspiring our students to unlock their potential and aim high! Students also received an interactive crash course in CV writing with Mr. Angel Ayala from ARCH Education, which they said they wished had been double the amount of time!

Thanks to the amazing team from ACO Alumni Association for making this day happen for our young professionals! The next Careers Program workshop takes place on 26 Jun (Sun)!

18 May, 2022

ACO Welcomes Methodist College as Partner School!


ACO welcomes Methodist College as a new partner school! In our first joint activity, Methodist Form 5 students attended the ACO online “Interview Skills Seminar” on 18 May hosted by Ms. Ida Fu and Ms. Suzie Ho from ARCH Education. Students responded enthusiastically to the seminar, expressing how excited they were to receive practical techniques on interviewing.

“I learned about the typical format of a interview and how to discuss my weaknesses,” said student Stacy Lo. Vince Wong, another student, said he was happy to build skills to relieve anxiety and answer questions calmly. We know they will make good use of these winning tips to ace their upcoming interviews!

Ms. Kylie Ng from CSR Committee of CTF Education Group also screened a short video about a company-wide charity walk to illustrate real-life examples of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Interested in joining ACO as a partner school? Reach out to us to explore partnership opportunities today!

01 April, 2022

UK University Applications Webinar for Pui Ching Middle School

On April 1, Pui Ching Middle School (PCMS), an ACO partner school, invited Ms. Jennifer Ma, Co-founder and Director of ARCH Education, to deliver an online talk on UK university applications to its F.4 and F.5 students and parents.

"Jennifer's webinar about UK universities applications was wonderful! The talk was so informative, which greatly helped my students prepare for their university application next year. Her talk was inspiring and conveyed good strategies, which helped polish students' profiles and enhance their chances of getting into their dream universities," said Miss Angela Lui, Careers Mistress at PCMS:

Interested in learning more about applications and scholarship opportunities at universities in the UK and the US? Stay tuned for more details on our upcoming overseas webinars in May!

27 March, 2022

Super Day Interview 2022 and a warm welcome to our incoming students

Welcome to our incoming Careers Program 2022 stars! Twenty-six outstanding students passed intense screenings and interviews to be accepted to Careers Program 2022, and we can’t wait to welcome them on board at Orientation Day on 22 May.

Our deep thanks go out to our Board of Directors and volunteers, who at the Super Day Interview, helped to select the most qualified students from a pool of extremely strong candidates. We are grateful for your service and for nurturing young talents for a better future for all!

Our thanks also go out to the ExCo of ACO Alumni Association! You are role models who demonstrate through your actions what giving back truly means. Thank you for igniting the next generation with the passion to succeed and make a positive impact! Now let’s get started!

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25 March, 2022

Great Success at Radley College’s Greater China Scholarship 2023 Info Session

The info session was successfully held on 25 Mar. Form 1 students and their parents, Principal and teachers from 14 schools participated in the Zoom webinar. We were honoured to have invited Mrs. Sophie Langdale and Year 11 student Kim Chin to tell us more about study and life at Radley College, Priscilla from ARCH Education UK Boarding School Admissions Team to share useful information about Radley and UK boarding schools. The latest scholar Evan Ho, who will start his Year 9 at Radley, also shared his secret tips for winning the scholarship!

“The webinar was highly informative for aspiring students looking for wonderful learning opportunities at Radley College. The valuable advice offered by different guests will surely ease the worries of potential students and parents,” said Miss Cheryll Chan, SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School.

Miss Lui, Parent of a Prospective Applicant, said, “The meeting was very useful! We received valuable info about the college and application procedures – thank you so much!

Apply Now! Scholarship entry close: 20 May (Fri) 5:00pm.

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Unit 202-205 & 4/F, Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong | T: 852 3568-0406  | F: 852 3568-0412               

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