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Thanks to all the staff, mentors and students for joining our annual Christmas Party. It was a very fun afternoon with games (ACO pop quiz), prize giving, students gift exchange and mingling over hot chocolates and candy canes. ACO would like to wish everyone a Joyous Christmas and a Fastastic 2016. We wish to inspire more students in the coming year!!!


Dec 12, 2015

ACO's Annual Christmas Dinner

To mark the end of the summer, we had a last workshop on UK and US University admissions info seminar, personal statement review, sharing by alumnus on how to tackle HKDSE, JUPAS tips and closing ceremony. We were very honored to invite past ACO students and ARCH counselors to help with the personal statement workshop for our ACO students. A good personal statement has to have a good structure, proper use of language and relate passion to experience. We hope we have inspired the students!

Personal Statement Workshop & Closing Ceremony

Aug 26, 2015

Today is the last day of job shadowing! We hope the students have all benefited from the hands-on experience from their assigned workplaces! Some students had the chance to work on magazine, observing operations, going to court, handling documents, observing operations of malls, learning coding and many more. It was definitely a fruitful summer!

Last Day of Job Shadowing

Aug 07, 2015

Students are off to different companies for their first day of job shadowing today, including Allen & Overy, Barclays, Blue Care Medical Center, Deloitte, Ho & Parnters Architect, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Jason Pow SC's Chambers, K11/New World Development, Notey, POLCCF Dialysis Centre, TAM Hulac & Partners Dental Ltd, Timeout HK and Woods Pharmacy! We hope the trainings will come in handy, and do your best to leave a good impression.

First Day of Job Shadowing

July 28, 2015

Thanks to Ray Chan, co-founder of 9GAG for hosting our students to their office in Tsuen Wan. Catherine Tan, one of ACO's board of directors started off the day with an inspiring opening speech. Ray Chan then shared his own personal success story and drilled down 3 key factors in becoming successful, namely, starting line, learning and habit. The last personal sharing experience was presented by Eric Tan, Co-Founder & CEO of Fifth Journey. Students then had a chance to do an office tour, amazed by the office settings, the students would love to work there one day. 

9GAG/Tech Workshop

July 25, 2015

Thank you Goldman Sachs for organizing a Community TeamWorks employee volunteering day with us.  It was definitely an eventful and fun day for our students at their office. The panel sessions, networking, photo competition and stock pitching presentation were useful yet fun and enjoyable. The resume & interview coaching, mock interview sessions were very enlightening and useful to the students.

Goldman Sachs CTW Day

July 24, 2015
July 23, 2015

Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Workshop

It was definitely an eye-opening experience for our students to explore Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in the afternoon. The students got a chance to visit different departments of the hospital including ward, physiotherapy, pharmacy, ophthalmology, pathology laboratory, radiotherapy and diagnostic & Interventional Radiology. The students understood the responsibilities of each department and how a hospital operates in a whole, some students were inspired to become a radiologist in the future. 

Students started off the day by visiting Phoenix Satellite Television in Tai Po. Students were amazed by the size of the TV station and had a great time visiting and learning about the different departments including TV, radio, publications and many more. The sharing on persoanl life experience by Ms. Carol Yu, Executive Head of Phoenix URadio were very inspirational that the studnets asked a lot of questions and didn't want to leave. 

Phoenix TV Workshop

July 23, 2015

Many thanks to Allen & Overy for arranging the fruitful morning to our students including sharing life as a lawyer/ law students, panel discussion on different legal pathways, floor walk and a casual mentoring lunch! Many were inspired by the professionalism of lawyers during the panel discussion with Angela Lai (Banking Associate), Will Yip (Regulatroy Assosicate), Patrick Wong (ex-client). Past ACO students who have job shadwowed in Allen & Overy in previous years were also invited back to join the session today to share their experiences and shows the connection and bonding they have developed

Allen & Overy Workshop

July 22, 2015

Students went to BEA Tower in Kwun Tong for an afternoon workshop, started off with an office tour including canteen, auditorium, gym, library, multi-functional room and many more.  Thank you Patty Li, Linda, and Winnie from the HR department for organizing the workshop including introduction to BEA, introduction to banking business and personal banking products and providing training on "A Day of Teller", with background knowledge on cheques, notes, account transcations and counter services. The students ended the day with working as a teller!

Bank of East Asia Workshop

July 21, 2015

Students have spent the morning visiting Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Hong Kong office to understand more about the industry and career path of accounting. Thank you Mr. Philip Tsai, Partner of Deloitte for the warm welcome, Faith, Partner of Deloitte to share the experinece of an auditor, Janelle Fung and Neil Tsang, members of Deloitte Club for their sharing and Nicole Chan and Bevis Yiu from the HR Department for the office tour and organizing the fruitful workshops. Students have a very different perspective towards accounting after the visit and may consider accounting as one of their future possible career aspiration!

Deloitte AM Workshop

July 21, 2015

ACO kick started it's corporate workshop week at Barclays! The day started off wiht an introduction by Hans Fuchs, followed by an ice breaking game where the students started to get competitive, followed by speakers panel by Rick Ogden (Regional Chief Credit Officer), Anthony Davies (Managing Director) and Clare Williams (Citizenship, Diversity and Inclusion AP) on "Introduction to Barclays and my Career Path in Investment Banking", ending with mentoring circle by Danny Chan (Director), Roy Lau (Vice President), Kevin Ho (Managing Director) and Samsin Yip (Managing Director). The students had a glimpse of different roles in investment banking and  learnt how to network with professionals. 

Barclays Day

July 20, 2015
July 18, 2015

ACO Training Day 3

It has been a long and challenging day for the 20 students taught by Robert Mingey, instructor at ARCH Education. Students were being exposed to quirky interview questions to develop their critical thinking skills and how to tackle such problems. They also had an opportunity to practice group interview and presentation using the critical thinking skills they have just learnt and most importantly, they all received feedbacks for improvement. We hope our advices are helpful for their coming university and careers interviews!

We were very honored to have Jessica Young, Deputy Chairman of The Friends of Cambridge University in HK, discuss the University of Cambridge Application and Prince Philip Scholarship and Dr. Jones Lam, Deputy Chief Agency Officer of Prudential, who shared his personal experience and success stories. Afterwards, we had a meet-and-greet for our mentors and new students! 

Speakers and Meet the Mentors Day

July 04, 2015

We had our first ACO Training Day and the students had a fanatsitc afternoon meeting new friends and learning how to prepare for their corporate exposures in the summer!

Orientation and Training

May 30, 2015

After vigorous rounds of selection and interviews, we have finally selected 20 high caliber students to join our Careers Program 2015. Acceptance letters have been mailed out today!

Selected Students for Careers Program 2015

Apr 22, 2015

With increasing ACO students applying to overseas University, ACO has decided to co-host with Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School to give a seminar to partnering and neighboring school on supporting students's overseas application, preparing recommendation and school transcripts, introduction and application to reputable universities in UK and US and scholarrships. We were very honored to have invited Dr. Emily K.M. So, Lecturer and Dr Stuart Martin, Senior Tutor of the University of Cambridge to talk about the application to Cambridge and the Prince Philip Scholarship. It was a very fruitful evening and we hope we have inspired more students to DREAM BIG and GET PREPARED

University Application and Scholarship Workshop
Mar 26, 2015

We have invited 50 students to join us for the Super Day Interview, which includes both individual and group interview. We hope the students find the experience useful and invaluable. Thank you Barclays for sponsoring on the venue, Ernest Wong (ACO Alumni) and all the mentors for helping out on the day.

Super Day Interview 2015
Mar 14, 2015

It was an extremely competitive year, and we received hundred of applications. We have sent out invitation emails to 2015 selected applicants to attend ARCH Community Outreach's (ACO) Super Day Interview in March. 

Careers Program 2015 Applications

Feb 28, 2015

The deadline for applying to ACO’s Careers Program 2015 is Jan 31, 2015. This is the ONLY summer programme for secondary school students providing careers exposure to bridge the gap between academic and future career success. Selected candidate will be asked to attend an interview in March.

Deadline for Careers Program 2015
Jan 31, 2015
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